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Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, born at Almora in 1923, was initiated into the Dasnami Order of sannyas by Swami Sivananda Saraswati, on 12th September 1947 at Rishikesh. In 1956, after spending twelve years in guru seva, his Guru sent him out into the world and gave him the mission to “spread yoga from door to door and shore to shore”. Although his formal education and spiritual tradition was that of Vedanta, at the command of his Guru the task of disseminating yoga became his movement.

His mission unfolded before him in Bihar where he established the Bihar School of Yoga at Munger in 1963. From then until 1983, Swami Satyananda took yoga to each and every corner of the world, to people of every caste, creed, religion and nationality guiding millions of seekers, establishing centres and ashrams of yoga throughout the world.

His frequent travel took him to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, USA, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Mauritius, Alaska and Iceland. One can easily say that Sri Swamiji hoisted the flag of yoga in every nook and cranny of the world. Well-versed in all religions and scriptures, he incorporated their wisdom with such a natural flair that people of all faiths and nationalities flocked to him. He initiated thousands into mantra and sannyas, sowing in them the seed to live the divine life.

It can be said that Sri Swamiji was a pioneer in the field of yoga because his presentation had a novelty and freshness. He introduced the practices in such a methodical and simple manner that it became possible for everyone to delve into this valuable and hitherto inaccessible science for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. Yoga Nidra, which was Swami Satyananda’s discovery and has become one of the most popular and sought after practices of yoga is but one example of his acumen and penetrating insight into the ancient systems.

He has authored over eighty books on yoga and tantra, which, due to their authenticity, are accepted as textbooks in schools and universities throughout the world.

Due to his tremendous zeal and energy in the short span of twenty years Sri Swamiji had fulfilled the mandate of his Guru. By 1983, Bihar School of Yoga was well established and recognized throughout the world as a reputed and authentic centre for learning yoga and the spiritual sciences. More than that, yoga had moved out of the caves of hermits and ascetics into the mainstream of society. In 1983 at the peak of his accomplishment Sri Swamiji renounced all that he had created and departed from Munger, never to return again, returning to his original life as a mendicant, without any personal belonging or assistance from his disciples or the institutions he had founded.

During his travels he stayed at Trayambakeshwar the abode of his ishta devata, the jyotirlingam of Lord Mrityunjaya, during which time his future place and sadhana were revealed to him, according to which, Sri Swamiji came to Rikhia in 1989 and began to live in seclusion in this small village, on the outskirts of Baba Baidyanath Dham at Deoghar, Jharkhand.

After his arrival at Rikhia, he undertook sadhanas that one only reads about in books, such as panchagni and Ashtottar-Shat-Laksh (108 lakh) Mantra purascharana. Here he entered the lifestyle of the paramahansas who do not work for their flock and mission alone but have a universal vision.

The eternal precepts of Vedanta such as atmabhav and atmasakshat became established in him at Rikhia. In that sense Rikhia witnessed in him the flowering and blossoming of all the highest ideals of sannyas, which he emulated throughout his life and his vision became truly cosmic in thought, word and deed.

This reflected itself in the many events and projects he initiated at Rikhiapeeth through Sivananda Math, an institution he had founded while he was in Munger, in memory of his Guru Swami Sivananda. Inspired by the mandate he had received from his Guru of Serve, Love and Give, Sivananda Math offered free assistance to the villagers of Rikhia in need of basic amenities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care. As a natural progression of this selfless service today the villagers are also assisted in agriculture, employment and education for their children.

About his life at Rikhia Swami Satyananda has said, “Of course I have been treading the spiritual path since I was 18. I have spent more than sixty years in sadhana. There is no sadhana that I have not done and there is no scripture that I do not know by heart. Oh, I did so many things but not once did my number come up in the lottery. But after coming to Rikhia, luck smiled on me and I got the winning number. A metamorphosis took place in my life and my destiny and everything became crystal clear. That metamorphosis was spiritual and universal.”

At midnight on 5th December 2009, Swami Satyananda abandoned his physical body at his Tapobhumi, Rikhiapeeth, and in the true spirit of yoga, became cosmic and universal.

About Swami Satyananda his Guru Swami Sivananda said, “Few would have such vairagya at such a young age. Swami Satyananda is full of the Nachiketa element. Yet, any work he takes on he will complete in a perfect manner. He does the work of four people and yet never complains. He is a versatile genius, yet humble and simple, an ideal sadhak and Nishkarma sevak. He is a pillar of the Divine Life mission. May God bless him with health, long life, peace, prosperity and eternal bliss.”

Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the great spiritual luminary of the 20th century, was born on the 8th September 1887 at Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu). From his early childhood he exhibited the gift of divine vision, renunciation, compassion for the poor, and the uncommon gift of sama drishti or equal vision and love for all.
As the desire to serve and help others was foremost in Swami Sivananda’s heart, it was natural that he chose to study medicine and later started his medical practice. This inborn spirit of service led him to Malaya where he worked at a rubber estate hospital for seven years. In spite of his extremely busy life, Swami Sivananda was always regular in his daily worship, prayers, yoga asanas and study of sacred scriptures. This ignited his innate spirituality and with a heart purified by selfless service, he had a new vision. In a state of total renunciation, he gave up his practice and all his belongings and came to India in 1922, to live the life of a penniless sadhu. In 1924 he arrived at Rishikesh to live on the banks of Ganga and on 1st June in the same year was initiated into sannyasa by Swami Vishwananda Saraswati. Ganga remained an important feature in the life of Swami Sivananda and he remained beside this sacred river throughout his life.

Although, as per the tradition of sannyasa, he lived a life of self-imposed austerity and simplicity, he never neglected selfless service. He started a charitable dispensary to help and serve the poor and needy as he saw this as a worship of God who dwells in each being. From 1927 he started sharing his spiritual experiences through writing articles and books and his divine lustre started influencing people from all over the world. People began to experience that every word he uttered, every sentence he wrote, was charged with a rare spiritual power. From his small kutir on the banks of the Ganga, Swami Sivananda’s influence spread throughout the world and The Divine Life Society was founded in 1936 with aim of worldwide dissemination of spiritual knowledge and service to mankind. It did not take long for seekers to be drawn to his magnetic personality. His tenfold path – Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise, Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate, became a road map for spiritual aspirants worldwide. Swami Sivananda never let anyone forget that their spiritual salvation lay in helping and serving others.

Swami Sivananda raised the goal of God-realization before the eyes of the people as the only real purpose for human birth. He acquainted millions with the facts and details of spiritual life and trained many sannyasins of extraordinary calibre through whom his mission is carried on this day. To spread yoga ‘from door to door and from shore to shore’ was a mission that Swami Sivananda entrusted to one of his brightest disciples, Swami Satyananda, who developed the ancient systems of Tantra and yoga to their highest potential and literally took them to each and every corner of the world. Through his dedicated sannyasins, Swami Sivananda saw the fulfilment of his mission before attaining Mahasamadhi in 1963. To this day and for ages to come, his light spreads far and wide for the spiritual upliftment of humanity.

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati born in 1960 in Rajnandgaon, Chhatisgarh, joined his guru’s mission of spreading yoga around the world at the tender age of four. When he was six years old he came to live in the ashram in Munger with his Guru Swami Satyananda. Under the tutelage of Swami Satyananda, he received intense gurukul education and training and was educated in languages, scriptures, sciences and contemporary subjects through the system of yoga nidra developed by Swami Satyananda. At the age of ten he was initiated into the Dasnaami order of sannyas on 11th January 1971 at Munger, by his Guru Swami Satyananda and was sent out to tour the world as a bal sannyasin to spread the message of yoga. At the age of 22 he was recalled back to India to take up the mantle as President of Bihar School of Yoga from Swami Satyananda who gave him the full charge of the yoga mission that he had created and nurtured.

In 1988 when his Guru left Munger to live the life of a Paramahansa, he left the reins in the hands of Swami Niranjanananda whom he had nominated as his successor even before his birth. Until now he had succeeded his Guru in the administration of Bihar School of Yoga but the departure of Swami Satyananda now required him to take up the role of both administrator and Guru to the innumerous devotees of Bihar School of Yoga which was already a reputed institution which he did with great efficiency guiding its activities from 1983 to 2008, with insight, clarity and devotion.

During this period he traveled extensively nationally and internationally, providing practical guidance and inspiring aspirants everywhere to live a yogic lifestyle by integrating head, heart and hands and emerged as a divine light and world Guru, inspiring and initiating people from all over the world to spiritual life. Swami Niranjanananda is an inspiring and gifted speaker on any given topic as his unflinching link with Sri Swamiji allows the grace and magnetism of Guru to shine. Initiated as a paramahansa sannyasin at the age of thirty, he was anointed preceptor in succession to Swami Satyananda by the leading luminaries of the sannyasa tradition in 1993. Clear, fluent and insightful writer, he authored numerous classical books on yoga, tantra and the upanishads, and founded the Bihar Yoga Bharati the first yoga university in order to further his Guru’s vision of making yoga a world culture.

In 2009 when his Guru took Yoga Samadhi he handed over his duties of President of Bihar School of Yoga to Swami Suryaprakash and entered a new phase of his sannyasa life dedicated to establishing the tradition of sannyas and presenting its ideals as a necessary way for self-development, creative expression, so that an individual may lead a successful happy and fulfilling life.

In 2010 he founded the Sannyaspeeth at Munger for the achievement of this aim and initiated a three year sannyas course as a training ground for individuals who wish to live life with a higher vision. Presently he resides at Munger guiding and inspiring aspirants who flock there for spiritual sustenance.
In 2013, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati commenced panchagni sadhana within the sacred grounds of Satyam Udyan (Akhara) at Ganga Darshan in Munger, to follow the tradition of his guru Swami Satyananda. He undertook this arduous sadhana for five years until its culmination in 2017. Though this tapasya he fulfilled the mandate he received from his guru to follow the Paramahansa sadhanas, of which panchagni is a part.

In 2014, at the conclusion of the second year of this intense panchagni sadhana, Swami Niranjanananda revived an ancient spiritual science: the Pashupata Astra Yajna. Last performed by Arjuna over 5000 years ago, the resurrection of this potent fire ritual and its accompanying mantras awakened once again the potential of the ancient vidyas to restore peace, harmony and light.

Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati, popularly known as Swami Satsangi, was born in 1953. Although from childhood she had a completely modern education and upbringing, she opted for the traditional life of renunciation and sannyasa after she had a series of inner awakenings at an early age, which led her to her Guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati. She was initiated into the Dashnami tradition of sannyasa on 6th July 1982 at Ganga Darshan, Munger.

Thereafter she travelled extensively and ceaselessly with Swami Satyananda on his tours in India and abroad, which gave her immense exposure and contributed to her development into a scholar with deep insight into the yogic and tantric traditions as well as modern sciences and philosophies. A truly inspirational teacher and gifted writer, Swami Satsangi is the author of major texts on yoga and tantra, such as Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Karma Sannyasa, Light on the Guru and Disciple Relationship and Sri Saundarya Lahari. One of her most acclaimed books, Tattwa Shuddhi: The Tantric Science of Inner Purification outlines an essential practice for inner experience which she herself developed and presented. Her ability to articulate ancient teachings from yogic, tantric and vedic texts and bring these into a modern context makes Swami Satsangi an ideal teacher to transmit the wisdom of her Guru’s teachings.

In 1989 when her Guru Swami Satyananda, ordained by an inner mandate he received in meditation, went to live in seclusion at a remote rural village in Jharkhand known as Rikhia, Swami Satyasangananda was the person who located the place he saw in his vision and negotiated the purchase of the land, which was to become the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda. At that time Rikhia was a poor, nondescript, unknown village in one of India’s poorest states. No roads, no electricity, no phones, no shops, no traffic, no trace of the 21st century, that was the Rikhia she entered in 1989, to prepare for the arrival of her Guru.

Since that time Swami Satyasangananda has dedicated herself to fulfilling her Guru’s vision of uplifting the neglected, impoverished and downtrodden villagers in the surrounding areas of the ashram, by implementing the cardinal teachings of Paramguru Swami Sivananda: Serve, Love, Give. Her tireless and unceasing efforts, which are carried out under the banner of Sivananda Math, an institution founded by Swami Satyananda in 1987 at Munger in memory of his Guru, have transformed the entire area into a vibrant centre of spirituality where people throng in large numbers for spiritual solace.

On 1st January 2007, she was initiated into the Paramahansa order and appointed as the Peethadhishwari of Rikhiapeeth by Swami Satyananda. Presently she resides at Rikhia, the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda, and is fully committed to the material and spiritual upliftment of the local community.

In 2009 when her Guru took Yoga Samadhi she entered a new phase of inspiring and guiding the multifarious activities at Rikhiapeeth and traveling extensively around the world spreading the light of her Guru’s teachings. She embodies compassion with clear reason and is the foundation of her Guru’s vision. In continuation of the tradition established by her guru Swami Satyananda, she commenced panchagni sadhana at Rikhiapeeth in 2013.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, born at Almora in 1923, was initiated into the Dasnami Order of sannyas by Swami Sivananda Saraswati, on 12th September 1947 at Rishikesh. In 1956, after spending twelve years in guru seva, his Guru sent him out into the world and gave him the mission to “spread yoga from door to door and shore to shore”. Although his formal education and spiritual tradition was that of Vedanta, at the command of his Guru the task of disseminating yoga became his movement.

His mission unfolded before him in Bihar where he established the Bihar School of Yoga at Munger in 1963. From then until 1983, Swami Satyananda took yoga to each and every corner of the world, to people of every caste, creed, religion and nationality guiding millions of seekers, establishing centres and ashrams of yoga throughout the world.

His frequent travel took him to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, USA, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Mauritius, Alaska and Iceland. One can easily say that Sri Swamiji hoisted the flag of yoga in every nook and cranny of the world. Well-versed in all religions and scriptures, he incorporated their wisdom with such a natural flair that people of all faiths and nationalities flocked to him. He initiated thousands into mantra and sannyas, sowing in them the seed to live the divine life.

It can be said that Sri Swamiji was a pioneer in the field of yoga because his presentation had a novelty and freshness. He introduced the practices in such a methodical and simple manner that it became possible for everyone to delve into this valuable and hitherto inaccessible science for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. Yoga Nidra, which was Swami Satyananda’s discovery and has become one of the most popular and sought after practices of yoga is but one example of his acumen and penetrating insight into the ancient systems.

He has authored over eighty books on yoga and tantra, which, due to their authenticity, are accepted as textbooks in schools and universities throughout the world.

Due to his tremendous zeal and energy in the short span of twenty years Sri Swamiji had fulfilled the mandate of his Guru. By 1983, Bihar School of Yoga was well established and recognized throughout the world as a reputed and authentic centre for learning yoga and the spiritual sciences. More than that, yoga had moved out of the caves of hermits and ascetics into the mainstream of society. In 1983 at the peak of his accomplishment Sri Swamiji renounced all that he had created and departed from Munger, never to return again, returning to his original life as a mendicant, without any personal belonging or assistance from his disciples or the institutions he had founded.

During his travels he stayed at Trayambakeshwar the abode of his ishta devata, the jyotirlingam of Lord Mrityunjaya, during which time his future place and sadhana were revealed to him, according to which, Sri Swamiji came to Rikhia in 1989 and began to live in seclusion in this small village, on the outskirts of Baba Baidyanath Dham at Deoghar, Jharkhand.

After his arrival at Rikhia, he undertook sadhanas that one only reads about in books, such as panchagni and Ashtottar-Shat-Laksh (108 lakh) Mantra purascharana. Here he entered the lifestyle of the paramahansas who do not work for their flock and mission alone but have a universal vision.

The eternal precepts of Vedanta such as atmabhav and atmasakshat became established in him at Rikhia. In that sense Rikhia witnessed in him the flowering and blossoming of all the highest ideals of sannyas, which he emulated throughout his life and his vision became truly cosmic in thought, word and deed.

This reflected itself in the many events and projects he initiated at Rikhiapeeth through Sivananda Math, an institution he had founded while he was in Munger, in memory of his Guru Swami Sivananda. Inspired by the mandate he had received from his Guru of Serve, Love and Give, Sivananda Math offered free assistance to the villagers of Rikhia in need of basic amenities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care. As a natural progression of this selfless service today the villagers are also assisted in agriculture, employment and education for their children.

About his life at Rikhia Swami Satyananda has said, “Of course I have been treading the spiritual path since I was 18. I have spent more than sixty years in sadhana. There is no sadhana that I have not done and there is no scripture that I do not know by heart. Oh, I did so many things but not once did my number come up in the lottery. But after coming to Rikhia, luck smiled on me and I got the winning number. A metamorphosis took place in my life and my destiny and everything became crystal clear. That metamorphosis was spiritual and universal.”

At midnight on 5th December 2009, Swami Satyananda abandoned his physical body at his Tapobhumi, Rikhiapeeth, and in the true spirit of yoga, became cosmic and universal.

About Swami Satyananda his Guru Swami Sivananda said, “Few would have such vairagya at such a young age. Swami Satyananda is full of the Nachiketa element. Yet, any work he takes on he will complete in a perfect manner. He does the work of four people and yet never complains. He is a versatile genius, yet humble and simple, an ideal sadhak and Nishkarma sevak. He is a pillar of the Divine Life mission. May God bless him with health, long life, peace, prosperity and eternal bliss.”

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the great spiritual luminary of the 20th century, was born on the 8th September 1887 at Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu). From his early childhood he exhibited the gift of divine vision, renunciation, compassion for the poor, and the uncommon gift of sama drishti or equal vision and love for all.
As the desire to serve and help others was foremost in Swami Sivananda’s heart, it was natural that he chose to study medicine and later started his medical practice. This inborn spirit of service led him to Malaya where he worked at a rubber estate hospital for seven years. In spite of his extremely busy life, Swami Sivananda was always regular in his daily worship, prayers, yoga asanas and study of sacred scriptures. This ignited his innate spirituality and with a heart purified by selfless service, he had a new vision. In a state of total renunciation, he gave up his practice and all his belongings and came to India in 1922, to live the life of a penniless sadhu. In 1924 he arrived at Rishikesh to live on the banks of Ganga and on 1st June in the same year was initiated into sannyasa by Swami Vishwananda Saraswati. Ganga remained an important feature in the life of Swami Sivananda and he remained beside this sacred river throughout his life.

Although, as per the tradition of sannyasa, he lived a life of self-imposed austerity and simplicity, he never neglected selfless service. He started a charitable dispensary to help and serve the poor and needy as he saw this as a worship of God who dwells in each being. From 1927 he started sharing his spiritual experiences through writing articles and books and his divine lustre started influencing people from all over the world. People began to experience that every word he uttered, every sentence he wrote, was charged with a rare spiritual power. From his small kutir on the banks of the Ganga, Swami Sivananda’s influence spread throughout the world and The Divine Life Society was founded in 1936 with aim of worldwide dissemination of spiritual knowledge and service to mankind. It did not take long for seekers to be drawn to his magnetic personality. His tenfold path – Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise, Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate, became a road map for spiritual aspirants worldwide. Swami Sivananda never let anyone forget that their spiritual salvation lay in helping and serving others.

Swami Sivananda raised the goal of God-realization before the eyes of the people as the only real purpose for human birth. He acquainted millions with the facts and details of spiritual life and trained many sannyasins of extraordinary calibre through whom his mission is carried on this day. To spread yoga ‘from door to door and from shore to shore’ was a mission that Swami Sivananda entrusted to one of his brightest disciples, Swami Satyananda, who developed the ancient systems of Tantra and yoga to their highest potential and literally took them to each and every corner of the world. Through his dedicated sannyasins, Swami Sivananda saw the fulfilment of his mission before attaining Mahasamadhi in 1963. To this day and for ages to come, his light spreads far and wide for the spiritual upliftment of humanity.

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati born in 1960 in Rajnandgaon, Chhatisgarh, joined his guru’s mission of spreading yoga around the world at the tender age of four. When he was six years old he came to live in the ashram in Munger with his Guru Swami Satyananda. Under the tutelage of Swami Satyananda, he received intense gurukul education and training and was educated in languages, scriptures, sciences and contemporary subjects through the system of yoga nidra developed by Swami Satyananda. At the age of ten he was initiated into the Dasnaami order of sannyas on 11th January 1971 at Munger, by his Guru Swami Satyananda and was sent out to tour the world as a bal sannyasin to spread the message of yoga. At the age of 22 he was recalled back to India to take up the mantle as President of Bihar School of Yoga from Swami Satyananda who gave him the full charge of the yoga mission that he had created and nurtured.

In 1988 when his Guru left Munger to live the life of a Paramahansa, he left the reins in the hands of Swami Niranjanananda whom he had nominated as his successor even before his birth. Until now he had succeeded his Guru in the administration of Bihar School of Yoga but the departure of Swami Satyananda now required him to take up the role of both administrator and Guru to the innumerous devotees of Bihar School of Yoga which was already a reputed institution which he did with great efficiency guiding its activities from 1983 to 2008, with insight, clarity and devotion.

During this period he traveled extensively nationally and internationally, providing practical guidance and inspiring aspirants everywhere to live a yogic lifestyle by integrating head, heart and hands and emerged as a divine light and world Guru, inspiring and initiating people from all over the world to spiritual life. Swami Niranjanananda is an inspiring and gifted speaker on any given topic as his unflinching link with Sri Swamiji allows the grace and magnetism of Guru to shine. Initiated as a paramahansa sannyasin at the age of thirty, he was anointed preceptor in succession to Swami Satyananda by the leading luminaries of the sannyasa tradition in 1993. Clear, fluent and insightful writer, he authored numerous classical books on yoga, tantra and the upanishads, and founded the Bihar Yoga Bharati the first yoga university in order to further his Guru’s vision of making yoga a world culture.

In 2009 when his Guru took Yoga Samadhi he handed over his duties of President of Bihar School of Yoga to Swami Suryaprakash and entered a new phase of his sannyasa life dedicated to establishing the tradition of sannyas and presenting its ideals as a necessary way for self-development, creative expression, so that an individual may lead a successful happy and fulfilling life.

In 2010 he founded the Sannyaspeeth at Munger for the achievement of this aim and initiated a three year sannyas course as a training ground for individuals who wish to live life with a higher vision. Presently he resides at Munger guiding and inspiring aspirants who flock there for spiritual sustenance.
In 2013, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati commenced panchagni sadhana within the sacred grounds of Satyam Udyan (Akhara) at Ganga Darshan in Munger, to follow the tradition of his guru Swami Satyananda. He undertook this arduous sadhana for five years until its culmination in 2017. Though this tapasya he fulfilled the mandate he received from his guru to follow the Paramahansa sadhanas, of which panchagni is a part.

In 2014, at the conclusion of the second year of this intense panchagni sadhana, Swami Niranjanananda revived an ancient spiritual science: the Pashupata Astra Yajna. Last performed by Arjuna over 5000 years ago, the resurrection of this potent fire ritual and its accompanying mantras awakened once again the potential of the ancient vidyas to restore peace, harmony and light.

Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati

Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati, popularly known as Swami Satsangi, was born in 1953. Although from childhood she had a completely modern education and upbringing, she opted for the traditional life of renunciation and sannyasa after she had a series of inner awakenings at an early age, which led her to her Guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati. She was initiated into the Dashnami tradition of sannyasa on 6th July 1982 at Ganga Darshan, Munger.

Thereafter she travelled extensively and ceaselessly with Swami Satyananda on his tours in India and abroad, which gave her immense exposure and contributed to her development into a scholar with deep insight into the yogic and tantric traditions as well as modern sciences and philosophies. A truly inspirational teacher and gifted writer, Swami Satsangi is the author of major texts on yoga and tantra, such as Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Karma Sannyasa, Light on the Guru and Disciple Relationship and Sri Saundarya Lahari. One of her most acclaimed books, Tattwa Shuddhi: The Tantric Science of Inner Purification outlines an essential practice for inner experience which she herself developed and presented. Her ability to articulate ancient teachings from yogic, tantric and vedic texts and bring these into a modern context makes Swami Satsangi an ideal teacher to transmit the wisdom of her Guru’s teachings.

In 1989 when her Guru Swami Satyananda, ordained by an inner mandate he received in meditation, went to live in seclusion at a remote rural village in Jharkhand known as Rikhia, Swami Satyasangananda was the person who located the place he saw in his vision and negotiated the purchase of the land, which was to become the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda. At that time Rikhia was a poor, nondescript, unknown village in one of India’s poorest states. No roads, no electricity, no phones, no shops, no traffic, no trace of the 21st century, that was the Rikhia she entered in 1989, to prepare for the arrival of her Guru.

Since that time Swami Satyasangananda has dedicated herself to fulfilling her Guru’s vision of uplifting the neglected, impoverished and downtrodden villagers in the surrounding areas of the ashram, by implementing the cardinal teachings of Paramguru Swami Sivananda: Serve, Love, Give. Her tireless and unceasing efforts, which are carried out under the banner of Sivananda Math, an institution founded by Swami Satyananda in 1987 at Munger in memory of his Guru, have transformed the entire area into a vibrant centre of spirituality where people throng in large numbers for spiritual solace.

On 1st January 2007, she was initiated into the Paramahansa order and appointed as the Peethadhishwari of Rikhiapeeth by Swami Satyananda. Presently she resides at Rikhia, the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda, and is fully committed to the material and spiritual upliftment of the local community.

In 2009 when her Guru took Yoga Samadhi she entered a new phase of inspiring and guiding the multifarious activities at Rikhiapeeth and traveling extensively around the world spreading the light of her Guru’s teachings. She embodies compassion with clear reason and is the foundation of her Guru’s vision. In continuation of the tradition established by her guru Swami Satyananda, she commenced panchagni sadhana at Rikhiapeeth in 2013.

Rikhiapeeth Calendar 2023

From Rikhia the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda

OCTOBER - 2024
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  Swami Satyananda was born at the foothills of the Himalayas in the year 1923. His ancestors belonged to the kshatriya lineage, the warrior class. As a young man he was initiated into the Dashnami […]

What do you do when you are cruising down the highway at top speed and suddenly you come to a road block. If you are unprepared for blocks you will come to a screeching halt. […]

Life is a journey and journeys always have an unknown mysterious and exciting element about them. A journey is an exploration, a discovery about an unknown entity. The journey of life is also an exploration […]

Time is fleeting. Yesterday has gone and who knows whether we will see tomorrow? Nothing is permanent, everything changes – the seasons change, the weather changes, our moods change, the mind changes. You yourself can […]

Corona has come to us with a message. That message is enshrined in the word itself. In the Hindi language ‘Corona’ (Karo Na) means “Do something”. It seems as if Nature is beaming out a […]

Many of you have been writing for a sadhana for Akshay Tritiya. On this auspicious day you can join in the sadhana done at Rikhiapeeth today from 9 to 11 am by chanting at your […]

India is a land of rich and diverse spiritual heritage, providing a treasure of knowledge which we are indeed fortunate to have received by virtue of being born in this land. Just as there is […]

From Rikhia the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda

  Swami Satyananda was born at the foothills of the Himalayas in the year 1923. His ancestors belonged to the kshatriya lineage, the warrior class. As a young man he was initiated into the Dashnami […]

What do you do when you are cruising down the highway at top speed and suddenly you come to a road block. If you are unprepared for blocks you will come to a screeching halt. […]

Life is a journey and journeys always have an unknown mysterious and exciting element about them. A journey is an exploration, a discovery about an unknown entity. The journey of life is also an exploration […]

Time is fleeting. Yesterday has gone and who knows whether we will see tomorrow? Nothing is permanent, everything changes – the seasons change, the weather changes, our moods change, the mind changes. You yourself can […]

Corona has come to us with a message. That message is enshrined in the word itself. In the Hindi language ‘Corona’ (Karo Na) means “Do something”. It seems as if Nature is beaming out a […]

Many of you have been writing for a sadhana for Akshay Tritiya. On this auspicious day you can join in the sadhana done at Rikhiapeeth today from 9 to 11 am by chanting at your […]

India is a land of rich and diverse spiritual heritage, providing a treasure of knowledge which we are indeed fortunate to have received by virtue of being born in this land. Just as there is […]

Seva – for Self Transformation

Aradhana – for Spiritual Awareness

Yoga – for Expanding Awareness

Highway for Self Transformation

People from across Indian and all corners of the world come to Rikhiapeeth to join in the various seva (selfless service) activities and to offer their time and energy as sevaks. Through simple acts of seva a process of purification begins and you derive joy and happiness. In Rikhiapeeth we can learn to give and it is through giving that we receive 1000 fold. The seva that is offered at Rikhiapeeth is done out of love and it is done as a yoga sadhana, spiritual practice, not as an act of charity. By participating in Seva and actions that embody the mandate of ‘Serve, Love, Give’ an individual can progress on the path of meditation.

The originator of Raja Yoga, Sage Patanjali gave the eight fold path of for self-discovery of ‘yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, dharana, dhyana and samadhi’. In the same way Swami Sivananda over 100 years ago gave the tenfold path for people in the modern contemporary age. He propagated a path to navigate and progress in life which was ‘Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Mediate, Realise, Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate.’
This mandate of ‘Serve, Love and Give’ was established by Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth during the 20 years he spent here in his tapobhumi performing long and arduous tapasya. The seeds of this mandate, which were planted here by a Paramahansa, were nurtured by his intense sadhana and tapasya. These seeds have strong roots and are now blossoming and bearing fruit and the fragrance of Seva is spreading throughout the globe.
Those who come to Rikhiapeeth today would not be able to imagine the dire state of poverty and deprivation that Swami Satyananda found in the surrounding villages when he first arrived on the 23rd of September 1989. When Swami Satyananda arrived, it was not with the idea of opening an ashram or yoga centre. He came here to live in seclusion and his vision, inspiration and love for the underprivileged and impoverished manifested in an unparalleled way at Rikhiapeeth. What we see today are the fruits of the intense tapasya, austerities, performed by Paramahansa Satyananda throughout his life and the fulfilment of a divine mandate, which has been exalted here in Rikhiapeeth.
In Rikhiapeeth Swami Satyananda showed the way and inspired people to live a life of service following the highest ideals of atmabhava, feeling and experiencing yourself in others, as outlined in Vedanta. It is with this foundation that all Seva activities at Rikhiapeeth are conducted. Through the practice of seva we are able to help others, and also the one who is serving is performing a sadhana and is being uplifted.
The activities undertaken aim to uplift the impoverished in the rural and underdeveloped area of Rikhia, not by creating a culture of dependency but by fostering peace, health, plenty and prosperity and above all self-sufficiency for one and all. The activities provide and teach techniques and methods to generate means of livelihood, thus enabling the villagers to develop a self-sustained society.

Throughout the year sincere aspirants have the opportunity to experience the benefits of seva for personal transformation and growth by joining as sevaks in the various ashram departments and seva activities including bhet (prasad), accommodation, kitchen, garden, medical clinic and literacy programs for local children. Sevaks can also join the team behind the scenes in the preparation and management of any of the large scale yajnas and aradhanas conducted throughout the year.
During your stay for seva you may wish to apply to join any of the Yoga Trainings and Yoga Sadhanas that are scheduled.
Those who wish to gain a life changing experience by volunteering as a sevak should contact Rikhiapeeth for further information and registration.

“The spirit of service must be ingrained in you. The spirit of service must be innate or inherent in you. There should not be a mere show. All service is empty if there is no love, affection, sincerity and Bhava. If you serve with Bhava and love, God is behind you.” Swami Sivananda

Kanyas & Batuks – Uplifting the future generations

On-going literacy programs aim to educate and empower the young girls (kanyas) and boys (batuks), from the most backward and underprivileged communities. Education programs instil self-confidence and independence and most importantly provide a platform for self-reliance. The aim behind these projects is to provide a much needed strong foundation for the youth who are the future of not only this country but of the world.
Currently over 1000 local village children of Rikhia Panchayat, aged between 6-13 years, are enrolled to receive education in English and computer skills, yoga, kirtan, chanting of Sanskrit stotras, Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita, thus imbibing the spiritual culture of India as well as receiving modern education. Selected children are also trained in Bharatnatyam and Odissi dance, modern dance, art, English dramas, havan and the sacred rituals of Rudrabhishek and Sri Vidya Puja. As a result of these activities, children from the most neglected strata of society have become role models for children and adults from all parts of the world, who come to witness their efficient execution of the most difficult tasks. Today the kanyas and batuks play an integral role as hosts of all the activities and aradhanas held at Rikhiapeeth, conducting themselves with confidence and self-confidence.

Each year these children receive a full school uniform along with many sets of new clothes both modern and traditional. During all major events and programs they are invited for bhoj and are frequently offered grains, toiletries, oil, blankets, stationery, jewellery, household items, books and accessories to support the whole family.

Sevaks support the regular classes which focus on progressive English language skills and communication. A feature of the literacy program is exposure to computer classes to provide children the skills and ability to deal with an increasingly complex and connected world. Computers are introduced through the innovative Hole in the Wall Education Project (HiWEL) which aims to bridge the digital divide of underprivileged children.

Workshops for Children:

Regular workshops aim to create opportunity for local village children of Rikhia Panchayat and to expand their creativity and self-expression. To offer seva in the creative workshops for local children, you may either offer your expertise, organise a workshop, provide materials, or simply come and support in any of the following programs: Traditional and modern dance, art and crafts, classical and modern music and sports and games.

Vocational Training – Empowering Rural Youth

Rikhiapeeth aims to address the changing needs of the youth of Rikhia panchayat, by providing workshops and vocational trainings that are skill based and focus on practical applications of skills. Vocational training has been shown to help individuals develop social competencies and has a positive impact on a person’s motivation, attitude, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

The children of Rikhia panchayat participate in ashram activities as kanyas and batuks up until the age of thirteen. Once they pass the age of fourteen they enter into their second phase of involvement, into what is known as the ‘Graduates’ programs. From the ages of 15 to 18, their needs become more oriented towards acquiring various sets of skills and trainings, by which they can develop confidence and become capable and contributing members of their communities. They seek opportunities to become independent with the vision that in the future they can earn an income for themselves and their families.

Sevaks offer their time and skills by providing training to the youth of Rikhia panchayat as well as with contributing ‘tools of the trade’ in many areas, including cooking, beautician, tailoring & fabric design, electrical work, electronics and gadget repairs, soft toys making, computers (use of Microsoft Office and Tally programs), soft skills (self-presentation), embroidery, sports and fitness.
Sevaks from around the world contribute well-prepared skill based trainings to the graduates interested to learn that particular skill. At the end of the training, each participant is gifted the ready-made tool kits, the sewing machine, or the set of implements that will allow them to further develop and practice the various newly acquired skill sets.

Sivananda Medical Aid – Health care for those who need it most

The ongoing outdoor therapy centre located in Rikhiapeeth, was established in 1991 with the aim to provide much needed essential medical facilities to the poor and underprivileged free of cost.

Since its establishment the daily clinic has brought tremendous relief to the villagers of Rikhia panchayat by providing free medical check-ups, medicines, vitamin supplements and health information on proper nutrition and hygiene. The Tuberculosis project was initiated in 1994 and since its inception has virtually eradicated the existence of TB in Rikhia panchayat. On average, the outdoor therapy centre serves around 1000-1200 patients every month. The outstanding results are largely due to the world class doctors available for consultation and the many high quality medicines that are donated from around the world.
Medical camps provide high standard health care to thousands of local villagers for different disorders and ailments. Doctors, nurses and those with medical training are welcome to offer their expertise and services in any of the following areas: Ophthalmology, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Paediatric, Cardiac, Dental, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Urology, Dental, Internal Medicine, Pathology, Radiology and others. Non-medical individuals can offer general seva for camp preparations, organisation, administration and logistics.

Nutrition & Healthcare

To further the efforts of medical aid offered free of charges, a pilot nutrition program has been undertaken to improve the nutrition and overall health of children of Rikhia panchayat. The nutrition project aims to support optimal development and growth of the children by providing healthy and nutritious meals along with dietary supplements to counteract the prevailing nutritional deficiencies. The nutritional program will also deliver community-based nutrition and health education that will help individuals, families and the community to make informed choices about food and lifestyle that will support their physiological health, economic and social well-being.

Over 1000 children have been registered for the Nutrition program. They are regularly monitored for growth and development along with health conditions, nutritional deficiencies, diet and needs.

Senior Citizens – Dignity for the elderly

The elderly members of Rikhia panchayat are identified and selected for this project on a needs basis. Many live alone, struggling for basic existence, without aid or sustenance. The services provided include a monthly pension, clothing all year round, woollens and blankets in winter, raincoats and umbrellas in the rainy season, grains, seasonal vegetables, cooking oils, utensils for cooking, and toiletries such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, hair oil and mirrors. Walking sticks and other necessities such as hearing aids and glasses are provided as required. Free medical check-ups and medicines are also available on a daily basis. Cooked wholesome meals are also provided during festivals and on special occasions throughout the year.
Future plans include providing the elderly of Rikhia a recreation centre where they can spend their day in comfort and leisure. The recreation centre will have a reading room and facilities to show video films such as Ramayana and Mahabharata to the aged in order to bring some joy and happiness into their otherwise monotonous and dull lives.

Widows – Support for the forgotten

Aid and support is extended to widows of Rikhia Panchayat who are often treated with contempt by society and even family members. Widows are not permitted to attend functions or festivals and are forbidden to lead a normal life, which harms their self-confidence and ability to live as integrated members of society. Projects have included the employment of widows daily to chant the maha mantra ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ which gave them a daily wage and independence. Skills such as knitting, weaving, making incense sticks and soaps are also taught, so that in time they may start a small business.

These activities in addition to the generous prasad they receive throughout the year, have served not only to make the widows economically independent, but more importantly to regain their lost identity and self-esteem. Today, they can hold their heads high and move in the mainstream of society.

Annapoorna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen – Mass feeding of rural Children

“Feed man and God will be fed.” Swami Satyananda

The scriptures have said that the giving of grains is one of the highest forms of giving; it is known as anna daan, or giving food to the hungry. The profound empathy that Swami Satyananda felt towards the needs of his neighbours, led him to take the sankalpa to provide one nutritious and balanced meal daily to the kanyas and batuks and the senior citizens of Rikhia panchayat. To fulfil this resolve, grand venture to develop Annapurna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen was undertaken to facilitate the daily feeding of well over 2500 people, in rain, hail and shine. The Kanya Kitchen plans to undertake the mammoth task of feeding over 2,000 children and aged people one meal every day so that in time they overcome the effects of malnutrition and inadequate food.
The Kanya Kitchen is most appropriately named Annapurna in praise and dedication to Ma Annapurna as she is the Goddess of abundance and nourishes the entire creation.

Food nourishes and nurtures our lives.  Without proper nutrition we are unable to discover our full potential and seek higher states of consciousness.  By giving food you are giving the greatest gift of all, the opportunity to rise above animal nature and seek higher planes of consciousness.  In ancient times the first form of God that our forefathers discovered was fire, and the second was grain.  After the discovery of grains humans crossed the threshold from instinctive animal nature to higher planes of consciousness. The discovery of grain and its potential was a giant leap from animal to human awareness.  By food grains, whether it is wheat, rice, maize or any other type of grain, we live and prosper, as these foods are most essential for survival and evolution of human beings.

Kanya Bhoj (Mass feeding of rural children):

During various auspicious periods daily Kanya Bhoj will be conducted as an Aradhana during which thousands of children who would otherwise not have a square meal will be fed nutritious meals in the spirit and belief that God is being fed. Cuisines from all over India and the world will be served to the children with a special emphasis on nutrition. As a special feature during the period of Shravan Bhoj (16th July – 15th August) each Monday large numbers of children from various local schools will be invited to Annpoorna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen and offered bhoj.
You are invited to gain a life changing experience by volunteering as a sevak in kitchen preparations, organisation, administration and logistics. Sevaks can participate for the entire period of bhoj or even for one day as any Seva offered during these auspicious periods will reap the grace of Annapoorna and Guru.

Bhet – The science of giving

“Learn to give, give in plenty, give with love, give without any expectation, one does not lose anything by giving, on the other hand you get back a thousand fold.” Swami Sivananda

Swami Satyananda has said that giving is an activity, which should be approached as a science, and that it should be planned and structured very carefully and systematically. Swami Satyananda throughout his life explained that we must provide whatever is the need of the people. Before deciding on what to give, we must first assess and understand what it is that people need according to their situation. He had said, “I teach yoga because people need it, if at any time in the future they no longer need yoga I will stop teaching it.” Accordingly, in Rikhia he did not teach yoga to the local villagers, or the Vedas or Sanskrit. Rather, initially he met their daily needs and alleviated their day-to-day struggle for survival.


Current projects provide high quality seeds, saplings and fertilizers to farmers along with supply of water and irrigation of their fields. Farmers are provided with farming tools along with cows to supply their families with milk and bullocks to help them plow their fields. Tools of trade are also given to carpenters, barbers, tailors, ironsmiths and labourers. Thelas or handcarts, mopeds, cycle and auto rikshaws are distributed to selected men of the area so that they have a means to work for a living. Bicycles are offered to kanyas (girls) in pursuit of higher education and schoolbags, stationery and notebooks are distributed to thousands of students from the local villages.


Sewing machines are distributed to women to give them a way to also generate income for their families. In keeping with changing times, laptops computers, ipads and digital cameras are presented to deserving recipients to enable them to prosper in modern society.Each year basic aid of grains, clothing, utensils, blankets and household items reaches over 30,000 families from 160 villages.


Sevaks contribute to this science of giving by offering their time and skills in the preparation, organisation, administration and logistics of providing economic, material and social assistance to the underprivileged.

Swami Satyananda had said, “If you want to please God, you must be generous to others. You don’t have to go to a temple, church or mosque, you don’t have to become a swami or a yogi, you don’t have to practice asana, pranayama or meditation. Just do whatever you can with your mind, knowledge, influence and might to relieve the pain of those in distress.”

Publishing and Multimedia – Preserving the teachings

There are currently seva opportunities in the auspicious undertaking of compiling the unpublished satsangs of Swami Satyananada at Rikhiapeeth. This historic task will enable the profound teachings and wisdom of Swami Satyananda to be preserved and disseminated for all in the form of books, audio CDs and DVDs.
Sevaks with experience are encouraged to take advantage of this once in a life time opportunity share their skills in this special seva. Opportunities are available for those with any of the following skills in either English or Hindi: Editing/Proof reading, Desk Top Publishing, Photoshop, video and audio editing.
Those with experience in the production of books, audio CDs and DVDs are particularly welcome to apply.

“After coming to Rikhia my cataract vision was corrected. I have lived a spiritual life for more than sixty years. I have practiced every form of yoga, but ultimately I found that when I began to think about others, God began to think about me. On my Guru’s instructions I lit the flame of yoga in Munger and the light of seva in Rikhia. This is the requirement of humanity today.”  – Swami Satyananda


Rikhiapeeth is hosting a series of Seva Festivals from the year 2020. The word seva means selfless service. It is a deed, opportunity, facility or event, offered to those who are in need of such service, without any personal expectation of reward for the same. However, the benefits of seva are immense. Seva connects and unites us with others. It expands the heart and we begin to feel the joy and sorrows of another. There is no greater joy than having brought happiness to those who needed it the most. Seva generates kindness, understanding, selflessness, compassion and empathy. When the word festival is added to seva, it becomes a celebration of the teachings inspired by Sri Swamiji for Rikhiapeeth which are ‘Serve, Love and Give’. Come and join in a Seva Festival, and discover how fulfilling and blissful it can be.

Medical Camp

12th – 16th February, 2020
17th – 21st June, 2020
31st August – 5th September, 2020

Serve Love Give Purify Meditate Realise

Reaching out to others to help them selflessly without any expectations of reward, return, or recognition, is the simplest yet most profound means for internal purification and spiritual progress. The medical camps or health and wellness workshops hosted at Rikhiapeeth, offer aspirants a unique opportunity to explore and imbibe the subtle concepts of Serve, Love and Give, which are the corresponding expressions of Karma, Bhakti and Gyan Yoga – that form the bedrock of our spiritual journey as outlined by Sri Swamiji at Rikhiapeeth.
Swami Satyananda used to say: ‘I will provide high quality world class health care to my neighbours’. This was his expression of atmabhav (cosmic unity). Consultations of various medical specialties are offered to the patients during these camps. The camps cater to over 5,000 patients in a span of 5 days. In order to participate and offer one’s seva in the camp one need not necessarily have any medical background or qualifications – just an open heart and the willingness to help another. This seva touches the soul which is the core of your existence. Find time to join in a yajna of a different kind where service is rendered to the forgotten ones who need it the most.

Skill & Vocational workshops week for Kanyas, Batuks & Graduates

28th Feb – 7th March, 2020 – Skill Workshops for Kanyas & Batuks
24th – 29th September – Vocational Workshops for Graduates

Serenity, Regularity, Absence of Vanity, Sincerity, Simplicity, Veracity, Equanimity, Fixity, Non-Irritability, Adaptability, Humility, Tenacity, Integrity, Nobility, Magnanimity, Charity, Generosity, Purity.
Come and join in what promises to be a week full of elevation, joy and creativity. Swami Sivananda used to say – Give! Give! Give! Give plentifully, joyfully and cheerfully! The kanyas and batuks who are the children from the neighbouring villages love to play and love to learn. This is a week exclusively dedicated to them. As part of the many opportunities provided for the kanyas and batuks, youth empowerment workshops are arranged every year, to impart specialised skills to the rural children, who have no means to this kind of exposure. A wide variety of skills such as sports, painting, arts and crafts, dance, Spoken English, cooking, beautician, tailoring, electronics, and many more are offered to them to brighten their future.
Serving those who do not belong to you, who truly are deserving and who have no other means to education, is truly one of the most uplifting experiences. The seva activities at Rikhiapeeth are done as a part of our sadhana not as an act of charity. The wonderful part is that both the giver and receiver are uplifted in more ways than one.

Cattle Care Camp (17th – 21st March 2020)

Om Mangalam

Rikhiapeeth is situated in a rural area and the neighbours of the ashram in the surrounding villages are mostly farmers and labourers. As such, cattle are an important part of their lives. Since Sri Swamiji came to Rikhia thousands of cows and bullocks have been offered to those in need as a means of sustenance. Now every home is a proud owner of some sort of livestock. As such, for their upkeep of their cattle, just as medical camps are held for the villagers, in the same way medical camps are offered for their livestock. Veterinary doctors with their teams, visit surrounding villages each day, attending to them. This is an area where expertise is lacking and just with simple measures villagers are introduced to ways for better produce and performance from their cattle. As most villagers depend on their livestock for their income this service offers help where it is needed most. If you care for animal seva do join in this wonderful experience.

Whether you are a Yoga practitioner, spiritual seeker, sadhak or are curious about spiritual life, the aradhanas at Rikhiapeeth are essential to help you on life’s journey. Aradhana literally can be translated as to yearn for or to crave for. It also can mean to love or desire. Aradhana is a central aspect of bhakti yoga and should not be dismissed as mere ritual, sect or religion. This expression of bhakti yoga is concerned with the universal nature in each individual and is in no way sectarian.

Each Aradhana focuses on a different aspect of the divine energy such as Shiva, Shakti or Guru. Whatever the manifestation of the cosmic energy is being invoked and worshipped, the intention is always to develop unbroken and constant remembrance. For example during Navaratri there is constant remembrance of Shakti energy.

A central feature of each Aradhana is Jnana Yoga in the form of ‘satsang’ or association with truth or wisdom as a part of yoga. Without this expose to ‘right knowledge’ an aspirant cannot proceed in spiritual life. Satsang removes the darkness of ignorance and the cataracts in the vision that each and every individual suffers from.


Sri Swami Satyananda says, “Yoga can lead one to a certain point, but beyond that one will need bhakti yoga. The culmination of all paths – tantra, raja yoga, karma yoga and even jnana yoga, is bhakti. Once bhakti is realized, there is nothing beyond that.” Following the vision of Sri Swamiji for Rikhiapeeth, under the inspiration of Peethadhishwari Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth will be hosting a series of ‘Bhakti Festivals’ in the year 2020. For self-transformation, to bring about a deep rooted change just knowledge and understanding is not enough. For in-depth transformation you have to enter the realm of experience. Until knowledge becomes experience it is mere intellectualism. These bhakti retreats offer you the opportunity to touch those chords within yourself. You are welcome to join to dive deeper into bhakti.

MAHASIVARATRI (20 – 21st February 2020)

Om Namah Sivaya
This is a one in its kind spiritual festival celebrated at Rikhiapeeth, which is situated in close vicinity of the Baba Baidyanath Jyotirlinga of Lord Siva at Deoghar. As its name implies, this is the abode of Siva. So what better place can you be in, to invoke Siva on the night of Sivaratri. Come, bathe in the mantras, immerse yourself in a highly charged energy, and allow all the dross of your cares, worries and anxieties to be washed away by the rejuvenating streams of auspiciousness and positivity. Mahashivaratri is the marriage night of Siva and Parvati. From a spiritual perspective, Siva represents the auspicious expansive consciousness, and Parvati, his counterpart, represents the cosmic energy in all its vibrancy. Mahasivaratri is the night when we honour and celebrate this union, which is responsible for the entire creation and invoke them within ourselves to experience the unified field we are a part of. Join in this festival of unity and experience the union that yoga philosophy speaks of.

AKSHAY TRITIYA (24th – 26th April, 2020)

Aim Hreem Kleem Om
Akshay Tritiya is a powerful yearly yajna initiated by Sri Swamiji at Rikhiapeeth. Akshay means that which is constant, uninterrupted, eternal and does not decay. It is considered that the thoughts and feelings one carries, and the sankalpas made on this day, leave a permanent imprint on the consciousness, and accompany one till the end of time.This aradhana conducted by the accomplished Yoginis of Lalita Mahila Samajam from Tamil Nadu, South India, is an invocation and worship of the cosmic mother. The sacred Sri Vidya puja is conducted to invoke blessings of peace, plenty and prosperity, to bring health and happiness, wisdom and positivity, to one and all, on this very special day of Akshay Tritiya.

GURU PURNIMA (4th – 5th July, 2020)

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo Maheshwaraha
Also known as Vyas Purnima, this auspicious full moon is considered to be a day when the blessings of all gurus, traditions and masters shower down on us. At Rikhiapeeth, the Guru Purnima Aradhana will be celebrated at the tapobhumi of Gurudev Paramahansa Swami Satyananda, with simplicity, beauty, purity and an open heart. It is a splendid opportunity for devotees to offer their faith and love to Sadguru and bask in the purity of guru tattwa.

SRI RADHA KRISHNA JHOOLAN (30th July – 3rd August, 2020)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

A festival of kirtan, dance and joy in the true sense of the word. The kanyas and batuks of Rikhiapeeth wait the whole year round for the return of Jhulan, their favourite aradhana. Singing and dancing are different ways of freely expressing oneself with the feelings of love, faith and bhakti.  Immersed in these feelings, the kanyas and batuks singing voices and dancing shoes take over these five days like a rocking wave sweeping all off their feet. Being an aradhana dedicated to Krishna and Radha, get ready to swing to the beat of Bhakti!

SAT CHANDI MAHAYAJNA (15th – 19th December, 2020)

Aim Hreem Kleem Om
This yajna dedicated to the Cosmic energy, Shakti, holds the greatest significance in terms of the history and tradition of Rikhiapeeth. Started by Paramahansa Satyananda in 1995, the Satchandi Mahayajna became a means of reaching out to countless numbers of families from the surrounding villages to spread blessings of peace, plenty and prosperity in each home and family. It has served as a catalyst for the upliftment and development of the villages as well as the seva movement – whose teachings have been immortalized at Rikhiapeeth as “Serve, Love & Give”. A most befitting finale to this grand event is the kanya bhoj, during which a sumptuous meal is fed to hundreds of kanyas. This yajna which showers countless boons on devotees is a must attend in which through satsang, mantra invocation by the adept pandits from Kashi, kirtan, dance and the act of giving, each one is guaranteed an inspiring, uplifting experience.

Ananda Utsav – Festival of Bliss (21st – 23rd December, 2020)

Om Namo Vinayaka
This invocation of Lord Ganesha acts as a conjunction or sandih of the two maha yajnas dedicated to Siva and Shakti. Held in between Satchandi and Yoga Purnima this utsav or festival clears the air of all obstacles and ensures a smooth sailing through the auspicious blessing of Lord Ganesha. Through mantra, invocation, abhishek and other beautiful ceremonies, aspirants can connect with the positivity and inspiration that Ganesha embodies.

Yoga Purnima (26th – 30th December, 2020)

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiyamamritat
This annual yajna started by Paramahmsa Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth in 2008 is dedicated to Adi Yogi Lord Siva. Through the chanting of mantras and the sanctifying rudra abhisheks conducted by the learned pandits from Kashi, the consmic consciousness, the lord of yoga – Siva is invoked to bless one and all.
This sacred event also honours the birth of the great yogi Swami Satyananda Saraswati which took place at Almora, in the Himalayas on Purnima, the full moon night, of the month of Margashirsha in 1923. His life was one of total surrender and dedication to his Guru Swami Sivananda, who gave Sri Swamiji the mandate to reveal the true essence of yoga. On account of his unparalleled contribution to mankind in the field of yoga, the event is named Yoga Purnima, a tribute to Swami Satyananda, a yogi who continues to inspire millions to live the divine life. On the final day of Yoga Purnima his birthday is celebrated with great joy and splendor. Come and be a part of it.


Come join the sannyasins to chant mantras and benefit from the effects of nada yoga!

5th & 6th of every month Guru Bhakti Yoga
Amavasya Sundarkand Path
Ekadashi Bhagwad Gita Path
Purnima Lalita Sahasranamavali Havan
Saturday Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Awareness is the key to progress and success in any endeavour. Every person has to develop and focus their awareness in a particular direction to transform the obstacles and impediments in life. Unfortunately this development of awareness is not happening naturally in society due to imbalances in modern lifestyle and this is creating internal conflicts and illnesses within individuals. To address this imbalance Swami Satyananda propagated integral Yoga.

Swami Satyananda prescribed the teaching of integral Yoga as a remedy for the complexities of modern life. People are multi-dimensional and so Sri Swamiji propagated an integral or multi-dimensional path of Yoga for optimal results and for progress, success and growth of awareness.

Swami Satyananda realised that one branch of Yoga alone cannot achieve results for people in the fast paced and diverse cultures of today. By integrating the various branches of Yoga he showed the way for humanity to navigate and cope with the pressures and demands of life in order to find happiness, peace and fulfilment.

The various Yoga trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted in the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth are all taught with the intention of offering resolution to the imbalances and problems of modern society.  The Yoga courses and trainings include a balance of Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Kundalini yoga which are fundamental to integral Yoga as well as exposing participants to various aspects of the other branches of Yoga including Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga.

The Yoga trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted at Rikhiapeeth provide training in practical and theoretical aspect of Yogic lifestyle to develop awareness and achieve progress and success in both material and spiritual life.

Although listed separately, by participating in any Yoga Training, Yoga Sadhana or retreat the true meaning of integral Yoga can be experienced. All Yoga Trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted at Rikhiapeeth include aspects of the various branches of yoga and enable participants to experience the balance, harmony and true potential of living integral yoga as established at the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda.


Rikhiapeeth conducts Yoga Sadhanas to support and guide those who have taken Mantra, Jignasu sannyasa or Karma sannyasa initiation in the Satyananda tradition as well as those who wish to do so.

These will be specific periods when initiates can come and fine tune their sadhana and deepen their connection with the Satyananda tradition and teachings. These Yoga sadhanas are open to sincere spiritual aspirants and those who wish to take initiation as they are ideal times to further the spiritual journey. During these retreats initiates and aspirants will have the opportunity to clarify doubts and clear and any obstacles in order to gain optimal results.

These retreats are a unique opportunity for initiates to spend a few days within the Tapobhumi of Paramahansa Satyananda to strengthen their resolve and commitment to their spiritual lives and to imbibe the spiritual vibrations that abound at Rikhiapeeth.


From the yogic viewpoint, the word retreat is a sign of going inward, not a sign of going backwards, but rather inward towards the source of inspiration, inner strength, self-confidence and light – the Self. The word sadhana indicates a process of spiritual practice that an aspirant undertakes, in order to bring out that light and wisdom from within. In this manner the concept of a Yoga Sadhana Retreat at Rikhiapeeth indicates learning to walk a yogic path, as paved by Sri Swami Satyananda, towards living an effulgent life connected to our inner source.

If you feel it is time for you to gain a new perspective or to have more meaningful experiences, participating in the 2020 Yoga Sadhana Retreats at the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda provides the ideal grounds for you to infuse yourself with renewed energy and inspiration. These retreats are intended for beginners and advanced aspirants alike. Whichever your point of evolution, these retreats will help you move forward and upward!

Mantra Initiates Yoga Sadhana Retreat (18th – 21st April, 2020)

Countless number of people take mantra initiation – yet how many people are able to derive maximum benefits from their mantra? Recognizing this to be a genuine need of aspirants today, this retreat has been devised and created as a means to provide clear guidelines to sincere aspirants, who wish to use mantra as a tool for spiritual evolution. Join this retreat to make mantra sadhana part of your daily routine for inner purification.

Bal Yoga Retreat (1st – 8th June, 2020)

The summer holidays present a unique opportunity for all children between ages 8 to 16 (accompanied by parents, family or guardians), to spend 8 magical days at Rikhiapeeth learning many things, developing creativity, imbibing positive samskaras, and having lots of fun. This retreat offers a full family package, as each member of the family is integrated in this event in which havan, kirtan, satsang, seva and yoga are blended into an uplifting, inspiring and joyful experience for all generations.

Sannyasa Lifestyle Retreat (One Year)

15th June 2020 to 15th June 2021

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, in his lifetime, devised many different ways to make spiritual life accessible to people from all walks of life irrespective of nationality, religion, gender, cast or creed. The vast ocean of teachings he gave to the world, as well as the multitude of spiritual traditions he revived, continue to attract and inspire countless numbers of aspirants from the world over.

One of these traditions is the sannyasa tradition, which is a most ancient one. A sannyasin does not live for himself alone but for others as well, who do not belong to him. The foundation or underlying spirit of sannyasa is surrender and service. Sannyasa shows us the way to be a master and not a slave of our overpowering mind.

In today’s context this is most relevant as it would allow us to use the magnificent force of our minds rather than be used by it. Alongwith this empowering expansion of mind, the idea of service is allowed to blossom alongside so that our thoughts, actions and words become more creative, productive and constructive.

Rikhiapeeth offers sincere aspirants the opportunity to invest one year at the tapobhumi of Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda, living the lifestyle of a sannyasin. It is an ideal stepping stone before beginning a new chapter of life. To allow yourself to be purified through selfless service, cultivate a positive outlook, and awaken your inner potential, come participate in this sannyasa lifestyle retreat and empower yourself.

Karma Sannyasa Yoga Sadhana Retreat

29th June – 3rd July, 2020

 For all those who have received intitation into Karma Sannyasa, Rikhiapeeth hosts a unique and original yoga sadhana retreat to guide karma sannyasins on the sadhanas, attitude, lifestyle and guidelines to be adopted. Being the first of its kind, this yoga sadhana combines traditional values with modern day needs, guiding the sadhak on how to fulfil the social and family obligations and responsibilities whilst maintaining a spiritual identity and outlook.

Karma Bhakti & Gyana Yoga Retreat

23rd to 29th September, 2020

1st – 6th December, 2020

 Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

The Vedas speak of three yogas essential for man. They are Karma, Bhakti and Gyana Yoga which together provide the tools for each of us to develop an integrated personality. These three yogas are related to our daily mundane existence as well as our spiritual aspirations, taking care of both aspects of our lives. Starting from the year 2020, Rikhiapeeth will host a new series of lifestyle retreats based on the wisdom of the Vedic traditions. These retreats will present aspirants with the unique opportunity of living yoga rather than just practising it. For transformation, knowledge alone is not enough, one has to experience as well.

Without experience all knowledge remains just intellectual. The Karma Bhakti and Gyana Yoga retreats are designed with this in mind, so that you may enhance  and improve the quality and thereby the experience of your life. Join in to renew your inspiration and energy and have a life changing experience. Even those who do not know yoga can join.

Yoga Sadhana – Chakra Shuddhi (English)

1st – 10th November, 2020

The Chakra Shuddhi is a week-long yoga sadhana that introduces yoga practitioners to the deeper dimensions within the pranamaya, manomaya and vijnanmaya koshas through the purification and experiences of the chakras. Despite being a short introductory course, its intensity and clarity provides the aspirant with a spiritual blueprint for the journey within. This retreat at the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda is a must for all those wishing to take the leap from the external physical practices, and discover the depth of the subtler dimensions beyond the surface.

Yoga Sadhana – Prana Vidya (English)

16th – 22nd November, 2020

Knowledge of prana is knowledge of the universe. Everything moves because of prana – it is the source, means and destination. The breath, the heartbeat or the orbit of planets of the solar system and beyond are all because of prana. This yoga sadhana introduces participants to the very basic manifestations of prana within the physical body and how sadhana can help one develop the sensitivity required to feel and experience prana as a living flow of energy within oneself, which can then be directed to rejuvenate and improve one’s vitality. 

Jignasu Sannyasa Yoga Sadhana Retreat

26th – 30th November, 2020

Who is a Jignasu? A Jignasu is a seeker, one who wants to know. Jignasu Sannyasa initiates are those who have embarked on the path of knowing, learning and understanding spiritual life. This journey, however, can only become fruitful when given the right guidance, direction and structure. This yoga sadhana has been customized to address the spiritual needs of sincere seekers who strive to know themselves. Through Swadhaya, Satsang and Seva (SSS), this yoga sadhana offers an opportunity for aspirants to rekindle their inner flame of inspiration to boldly tread and progress on the spiritual path.

Kriya Yoga & Tattwa Shuddhi (English) 24th – 28th December, 2020

 Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham

Being one of the most effective systems for purifying and channelizing the flow of one’s inherent energy and potential, this Kriya Yoga retreat offers yoga aspirants an introduction into the techniques of Kriya Yoga as taught by Swami Satyananda. Sri Swamiji has said that Kriya Yoga is a panacea for the modern man as it is a system which bypasses the mind and deals directly with the energy flows. Thereby it is very effective in eliminating inherent tensions and nervousness thus inducing stability. The addition of the practice of Tattwa Shuddhi is an added bonus which makes this retreat a must attend for sincere practitioners.

Seva – for Self Transformation

Highway for Self Transformation

People from across Indian and all corners of the world come to Rikhiapeeth to join in the various seva (selfless service) activities and to offer their time and energy as sevaks. Through simple acts of seva a process of purification begins and you derive joy and happiness. In Rikhiapeeth we can learn to give and it is through giving that we receive 1000 fold. The seva that is offered at Rikhiapeeth is done out of love and it is done as a yoga sadhana, spiritual practice, not as an act of charity. By participating in Seva and actions that embody the mandate of ‘Serve, Love, Give’ an individual can progress on the path of meditation.

The originator of Raja Yoga, Sage Patanjali gave the eight fold path of for self-discovery of ‘yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, dharana, dhyana and samadhi’. In the same way Swami Sivananda over 100 years ago gave the tenfold path for people in the modern contemporary age. He propagated a path to navigate and progress in life which was ‘Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Mediate, Realise, Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate.’
This mandate of ‘Serve, Love and Give’ was established by Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth during the 20 years he spent here in his tapobhumi performing long and arduous tapasya. The seeds of this mandate, which were planted here by a Paramahansa, were nurtured by his intense sadhana and tapasya. These seeds have strong roots and are now blossoming and bearing fruit and the fragrance of Seva is spreading throughout the globe.
Those who come to Rikhiapeeth today would not be able to imagine the dire state of poverty and deprivation that Swami Satyananda found in the surrounding villages when he first arrived on the 23rd of September 1989. When Swami Satyananda arrived, it was not with the idea of opening an ashram or yoga centre. He came here to live in seclusion and his vision, inspiration and love for the underprivileged and impoverished manifested in an unparalleled way at Rikhiapeeth. What we see today are the fruits of the intense tapasya, austerities, performed by Paramahansa Satyananda throughout his life and the fulfilment of a divine mandate, which has been exalted here in Rikhiapeeth.
In Rikhiapeeth Swami Satyananda showed the way and inspired people to live a life of service following the highest ideals of atmabhava, feeling and experiencing yourself in others, as outlined in Vedanta. It is with this foundation that all Seva activities at Rikhiapeeth are conducted. Through the practice of seva we are able to help others, and also the one who is serving is performing a sadhana and is being uplifted.
The activities undertaken aim to uplift the impoverished in the rural and underdeveloped area of Rikhia, not by creating a culture of dependency but by fostering peace, health, plenty and prosperity and above all self-sufficiency for one and all. The activities provide and teach techniques and methods to generate means of livelihood, thus enabling the villagers to develop a self-sustained society.

Throughout the year sincere aspirants have the opportunity to experience the benefits of seva for personal transformation and growth by joining as sevaks in the various ashram departments and seva activities including bhet (prasad), accommodation, kitchen, garden, medical clinic and literacy programs for local children. Sevaks can also join the team behind the scenes in the preparation and management of any of the large scale yajnas and aradhanas conducted throughout the year.
During your stay for seva you may wish to apply to join any of the Yoga Trainings and Yoga Sadhanas that are scheduled.
Those who wish to gain a life changing experience by volunteering as a sevak should contact Rikhiapeeth for further information and registration.

“The spirit of service must be ingrained in you. The spirit of service must be innate or inherent in you. There should not be a mere show. All service is empty if there is no love, affection, sincerity and Bhava. If you serve with Bhava and love, God is behind you.” Swami Sivananda

Kanyas & Batuks – Uplifting the future generations

On-going literacy programs aim to educate and empower the young girls (kanyas) and boys (batuks), from the most backward and underprivileged communities. Education programs instil self-confidence and independence and most importantly provide a platform for self-reliance. The aim behind these projects is to provide a much needed strong foundation for the youth who are the future of not only this country but of the world.
Currently over 1000 local village children of Rikhia Panchayat, aged between 6-13 years, are enrolled to receive education in English and computer skills, yoga, kirtan, chanting of Sanskrit stotras, Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita, thus imbibing the spiritual culture of India as well as receiving modern education. Selected children are also trained in Bharatnatyam and Odissi dance, modern dance, art, English dramas, havan and the sacred rituals of Rudrabhishek and Sri Vidya Puja. As a result of these activities, children from the most neglected strata of society have become role models for children and adults from all parts of the world, who come to witness their efficient execution of the most difficult tasks. Today the kanyas and batuks play an integral role as hosts of all the activities and aradhanas held at Rikhiapeeth, conducting themselves with confidence and self-confidence.

Each year these children receive a full school uniform along with many sets of new clothes both modern and traditional. During all major events and programs they are invited for bhoj and are frequently offered grains, toiletries, oil, blankets, stationery, jewellery, household items, books and accessories to support the whole family.

Sevaks support the regular classes which focus on progressive English language skills and communication. A feature of the literacy program is exposure to computer classes to provide children the skills and ability to deal with an increasingly complex and connected world. Computers are introduced through the innovative Hole in the Wall Education Project (HiWEL) which aims to bridge the digital divide of underprivileged children.

Workshops for Children:

Regular workshops aim to create opportunity for local village children of Rikhia Panchayat and to expand their creativity and self-expression. To offer seva in the creative workshops for local children, you may either offer your expertise, organise a workshop, provide materials, or simply come and support in any of the following programs: Traditional and modern dance, art and crafts, classical and modern music and sports and games.

Vocational Training – Empowering Rural Youth

Rikhiapeeth aims to address the changing needs of the youth of Rikhia panchayat, by providing workshops and vocational trainings that are skill based and focus on practical applications of skills. Vocational training has been shown to help individuals develop social competencies and has a positive impact on a person’s motivation, attitude, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

The children of Rikhia panchayat participate in ashram activities as kanyas and batuks up until the age of thirteen. Once they pass the age of fourteen they enter into their second phase of involvement, into what is known as the ‘Graduates’ programs. From the ages of 15 to 18, their needs become more oriented towards acquiring various sets of skills and trainings, by which they can develop confidence and become capable and contributing members of their communities. They seek opportunities to become independent with the vision that in the future they can earn an income for themselves and their families.

Sevaks offer their time and skills by providing training to the youth of Rikhia panchayat as well as with contributing ‘tools of the trade’ in many areas, including cooking, beautician, tailoring & fabric design, electrical work, electronics and gadget repairs, soft toys making, computers (use of Microsoft Office and Tally programs), soft skills (self-presentation), embroidery, sports and fitness.
Sevaks from around the world contribute well-prepared skill based trainings to the graduates interested to learn that particular skill. At the end of the training, each participant is gifted the ready-made tool kits, the sewing machine, or the set of implements that will allow them to further develop and practice the various newly acquired skill sets.

Sivananda Medical Aid – Health care for those who need it most

The ongoing outdoor therapy centre located in Rikhiapeeth, was established in 1991 with the aim to provide much needed essential medical facilities to the poor and underprivileged free of cost.

Since its establishment the daily clinic has brought tremendous relief to the villagers of Rikhia panchayat by providing free medical check-ups, medicines, vitamin supplements and health information on proper nutrition and hygiene. The Tuberculosis project was initiated in 1994 and since its inception has virtually eradicated the existence of TB in Rikhia panchayat. On average, the outdoor therapy centre serves around 1000-1200 patients every month. The outstanding results are largely due to the world class doctors available for consultation and the many high quality medicines that are donated from around the world.
Medical camps provide high standard health care to thousands of local villagers for different disorders and ailments. Doctors, nurses and those with medical training are welcome to offer their expertise and services in any of the following areas: Ophthalmology, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Paediatric, Cardiac, Dental, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Urology, Dental, Internal Medicine, Pathology, Radiology and others. Non-medical individuals can offer general seva for camp preparations, organisation, administration and logistics.

Nutrition & Healthcare

To further the efforts of medical aid offered free of charges, a pilot nutrition program has been undertaken to improve the nutrition and overall health of children of Rikhia panchayat. The nutrition project aims to support optimal development and growth of the children by providing healthy and nutritious meals along with dietary supplements to counteract the prevailing nutritional deficiencies. The nutritional program will also deliver community-based nutrition and health education that will help individuals, families and the community to make informed choices about food and lifestyle that will support their physiological health, economic and social well-being.

Over 1000 children have been registered for the Nutrition program. They are regularly monitored for growth and development along with health conditions, nutritional deficiencies, diet and needs.

Senior Citizens – Dignity for the elderly

The elderly members of Rikhia panchayat are identified and selected for this project on a needs basis. Many live alone, struggling for basic existence, without aid or sustenance. The services provided include a monthly pension, clothing all year round, woollens and blankets in winter, raincoats and umbrellas in the rainy season, grains, seasonal vegetables, cooking oils, utensils for cooking, and toiletries such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, hair oil and mirrors. Walking sticks and other necessities such as hearing aids and glasses are provided as required. Free medical check-ups and medicines are also available on a daily basis. Cooked wholesome meals are also provided during festivals and on special occasions throughout the year.
Future plans include providing the elderly of Rikhia a recreation centre where they can spend their day in comfort and leisure. The recreation centre will have a reading room and facilities to show video films such as Ramayana and Mahabharata to the aged in order to bring some joy and happiness into their otherwise monotonous and dull lives.

Widows – Support for the forgotten

Aid and support is extended to widows of Rikhia Panchayat who are often treated with contempt by society and even family members. Widows are not permitted to attend functions or festivals and are forbidden to lead a normal life, which harms their self-confidence and ability to live as integrated members of society. Projects have included the employment of widows daily to chant the maha mantra ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ which gave them a daily wage and independence. Skills such as knitting, weaving, making incense sticks and soaps are also taught, so that in time they may start a small business.

These activities in addition to the generous prasad they receive throughout the year, have served not only to make the widows economically independent, but more importantly to regain their lost identity and self-esteem. Today, they can hold their heads high and move in the mainstream of society.

Annapoorna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen – Mass feeding of rural Children

“Feed man and God will be fed.” Swami Satyananda

The scriptures have said that the giving of grains is one of the highest forms of giving; it is known as anna daan, or giving food to the hungry. The profound empathy that Swami Satyananda felt towards the needs of his neighbours, led him to take the sankalpa to provide one nutritious and balanced meal daily to the kanyas and batuks and the senior citizens of Rikhia panchayat. To fulfil this resolve, grand venture to develop Annapurna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen was undertaken to facilitate the daily feeding of well over 2500 people, in rain, hail and shine. The Kanya Kitchen plans to undertake the mammoth task of feeding over 2,000 children and aged people one meal every day so that in time they overcome the effects of malnutrition and inadequate food.
The Kanya Kitchen is most appropriately named Annapurna in praise and dedication to Ma Annapurna as she is the Goddess of abundance and nourishes the entire creation.

Food nourishes and nurtures our lives.  Without proper nutrition we are unable to discover our full potential and seek higher states of consciousness.  By giving food you are giving the greatest gift of all, the opportunity to rise above animal nature and seek higher planes of consciousness.  In ancient times the first form of God that our forefathers discovered was fire, and the second was grain.  After the discovery of grains humans crossed the threshold from instinctive animal nature to higher planes of consciousness. The discovery of grain and its potential was a giant leap from animal to human awareness.  By food grains, whether it is wheat, rice, maize or any other type of grain, we live and prosper, as these foods are most essential for survival and evolution of human beings.

Kanya Bhoj (Mass feeding of rural children):

During various auspicious periods daily Kanya Bhoj will be conducted as an Aradhana during which thousands of children who would otherwise not have a square meal will be fed nutritious meals in the spirit and belief that God is being fed. Cuisines from all over India and the world will be served to the children with a special emphasis on nutrition. As a special feature during the period of Shravan Bhoj (16th July – 15th August) each Monday large numbers of children from various local schools will be invited to Annpoorna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen and offered bhoj.
You are invited to gain a life changing experience by volunteering as a sevak in kitchen preparations, organisation, administration and logistics. Sevaks can participate for the entire period of bhoj or even for one day as any Seva offered during these auspicious periods will reap the grace of Annapoorna and Guru.

Bhet – The science of giving

“Learn to give, give in plenty, give with love, give without any expectation, one does not lose anything by giving, on the other hand you get back a thousand fold.” Swami Sivananda

Swami Satyananda has said that giving is an activity, which should be approached as a science, and that it should be planned and structured very carefully and systematically. Swami Satyananda throughout his life explained that we must provide whatever is the need of the people. Before deciding on what to give, we must first assess and understand what it is that people need according to their situation. He had said, “I teach yoga because people need it, if at any time in the future they no longer need yoga I will stop teaching it.” Accordingly, in Rikhia he did not teach yoga to the local villagers, or the Vedas or Sanskrit. Rather, initially he met their daily needs and alleviated their day-to-day struggle for survival.

Current projects provide high quality seeds, saplings and fertilizers to farmers along with supply of water and irrigation of their fields. Farmers are provided with farming tools along with cows to supply their families with milk and bullocks to help them plow their fields. Tools of trade are also given to carpenters, barbers, tailors, ironsmiths and labourers. Thelas or handcarts, mopeds, cycle and auto rikshaws are distributed to selected men of the area so that they have a means to work for a living. Bicycles are offered to kanyas (girls) in pursuit of higher education and schoolbags, stationery and notebooks are distributed to thousands of students from the local villages.

Sewing machines are distributed to women to give them a way to also generate income for their families. In keeping with changing times, laptops computers, ipads and digital cameras are presented to deserving recipients to enable them to prosper in modern society.Each year basic aid of grains, clothing, utensils, blankets and household items reaches over 30,000 families from 160 villages.

Sevaks contribute to this science of giving by offering their time and skills in the preparation, organisation, administration and logistics of providing economic, material and social assistance to the underprivileged.

Swami Satyananda had said, “If you want to please God, you must be generous to others. You don’t have to go to a temple, church or mosque, you don’t have to become a swami or a yogi, you don’t have to practice asana, pranayama or meditation. Just do whatever you can with your mind, knowledge, influence and might to relieve the pain of those in distress.”

Publishing and Multimedia – Preserving the teachings

There are currently seva opportunities in the auspicious undertaking of compiling the unpublished satsangs of Swami Satyananada at Rikhiapeeth. This historic task will enable the profound teachings and wisdom of Swami Satyananda to be preserved and disseminated for all in the form of books, audio CDs and DVDs.
Sevaks with experience are encouraged to take advantage of this once in a life time opportunity share their skills in this special seva. Opportunities are available for those with any of the following skills in either English or Hindi: Editing/Proof reading, Desk Top Publishing, Photoshop, video and audio editing.
Those with experience in the production of books, audio CDs and DVDs are particularly welcome to apply.

“After coming to Rikhia my cataract vision was corrected. I have lived a spiritual life for more than sixty years. I have practiced every form of yoga, but ultimately I found that when I began to think about others, God began to think about me. On my Guru’s instructions I lit the flame of yoga in Munger and the light of seva in Rikhia. This is the requirement of humanity today.”  – Swami Satyananda


Rikhiapeeth is hosting a series of Seva Festivals from the year 2020. The word seva means selfless service. It is a deed, opportunity, facility or event, offered to those who are in need of such service, without any personal expectation of reward for the same. However, the benefits of seva are immense. Seva connects and unites us with others. It expands the heart and we begin to feel the joy and sorrows of another. There is no greater joy than having brought happiness to those who needed it the most. Seva generates kindness, understanding, selflessness, compassion and empathy. When the word festival is added to seva, it becomes a celebration of the teachings inspired by Sri Swamiji for Rikhiapeeth which are ‘Serve, Love and Give’. Come and join in a Seva Festival, and discover how fulfilling and blissful it can be.

Medical Camp

12th – 16th February, 2020
17th – 21st June, 2020
31st August – 5th September, 2020

Serve Love Give Purify Meditate Realise

Reaching out to others to help them selflessly without any expectations of reward, return, or recognition, is the simplest yet most profound means for internal purification and spiritual progress. The medical camps or health and wellness workshops hosted at Rikhiapeeth, offer aspirants a unique opportunity to explore and imbibe the subtle concepts of Serve, Love and Give, which are the corresponding expressions of Karma, Bhakti and Gyan Yoga – that form the bedrock of our spiritual journey as outlined by Sri Swamiji at Rikhiapeeth.
Swami Satyananda used to say: ‘I will provide high quality world class health care to my neighbours’. This was his expression of atmabhav (cosmic unity). Consultations of various medical specialties are offered to the patients during these camps. The camps cater to over 5,000 patients in a span of 5 days. In order to participate and offer one’s seva in the camp one need not necessarily have any medical background or qualifications – just an open heart and the willingness to help another. This seva touches the soul which is the core of your existence. Find time to join in a yajna of a different kind where service is rendered to the forgotten ones who need it the most.

Skill & Vocational workshops week for Kanyas, Batuks & Graduates

28th Feb – 7th March, 2020 – Skill Workshops for Kanyas & Batuks
24th – 29th September – Vocational Workshops for Graduates

Serenity, Regularity, Absence of Vanity, Sincerity, Simplicity, Veracity, Equanimity, Fixity, Non-Irritability, Adaptability, Humility, Tenacity, Integrity, Nobility, Magnanimity, Charity, Generosity, Purity.
Come and join in what promises to be a week full of elevation, joy and creativity. Swami Sivananda used to say – Give! Give! Give! Give plentifully, joyfully and cheerfully! The kanyas and batuks who are the children from the neighbouring villages love to play and love to learn. This is a week exclusively dedicated to them. As part of the many opportunities provided for the kanyas and batuks, youth empowerment workshops are arranged every year, to impart specialised skills to the rural children, who have no means to this kind of exposure. A wide variety of skills such as sports, painting, arts and crafts, dance, Spoken English, cooking, beautician, tailoring, electronics, and many more are offered to them to brighten their future.
Serving those who do not belong to you, who truly are deserving and who have no other means to education, is truly one of the most uplifting experiences. The seva activities at Rikhiapeeth are done as a part of our sadhana not as an act of charity. The wonderful part is that both the giver and receiver are uplifted in more ways than one.

Cattle Care Camp (17th – 21st March 2020)

Om Mangalam

Rikhiapeeth is situated in a rural area and the neighbours of the ashram in the surrounding villages are mostly farmers and labourers. As such, cattle are an important part of their lives. Since Sri Swamiji came to Rikhia thousands of cows and bullocks have been offered to those in need as a means of sustenance. Now every home is a proud owner of some sort of livestock. As such, for their upkeep of their cattle, just as medical camps are held for the villagers, in the same way medical camps are offered for their livestock. Veterinary doctors with their teams, visit surrounding villages each day, attending to them. This is an area where expertise is lacking and just with simple measures villagers are introduced to ways for better produce and performance from their cattle. As most villagers depend on their livestock for their income this service offers help where it is needed most. If you care for animal seva do join in this wonderful experience.

Aradhana – for Spiritual Awareness

Whether you are a Yoga practitioner, spiritual seeker, sadhak or are curious about spiritual life, the aradhanas at Rikhiapeeth are essential to help you on life’s journey. Aradhana literally can be translated as to yearn for or to crave for. It also can mean to love or desire. Aradhana is a central aspect of bhakti yoga and should not be dismissed as mere ritual, sect or religion. This expression of bhakti yoga is concerned with the universal nature in each individual and is in no way sectarian.

Each Aradhana focuses on a different aspect of the divine energy such as Shiva, Shakti or Guru. Whatever the manifestation of the cosmic energy is being invoked and worshipped, the intention is always to develop unbroken and constant remembrance. For example during Navaratri there is constant remembrance of Shakti energy.

A central feature of each Aradhana is Jnana Yoga in the form of ‘satsang’ or association with truth or wisdom as a part of yoga. Without this expose to ‘right knowledge’ an aspirant cannot proceed in spiritual life. Satsang removes the darkness of ignorance and the cataracts in the vision that each and every individual suffers from.


Sri Swami Satyananda says, “Yoga can lead one to a certain point, but beyond that one will need bhakti yoga. The culmination of all paths – tantra, raja yoga, karma yoga and even jnana yoga, is bhakti. Once bhakti is realized, there is nothing beyond that.” Following the vision of Sri Swamiji for Rikhiapeeth, under the inspiration of Peethadhishwari Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth will be hosting a series of ‘Bhakti Festivals’ in the year 2020. For self-transformation, to bring about a deep rooted change just knowledge and understanding is not enough. For in-depth transformation you have to enter the realm of experience. Until knowledge becomes experience it is mere intellectualism. These bhakti retreats offer you the opportunity to touch those chords within yourself. You are welcome to join to dive deeper into bhakti.

MAHASIVARATRI (20 – 21st February 2020)

Om Namah Sivaya
This is a one in its kind spiritual festival celebrated at Rikhiapeeth, which is situated in close vicinity of the Baba Baidyanath Jyotirlinga of Lord Siva at Deoghar. As its name implies, this is the abode of Siva. So what better place can you be in, to invoke Siva on the night of Sivaratri. Come, bathe in the mantras, immerse yourself in a highly charged energy, and allow all the dross of your cares, worries and anxieties to be washed away by the rejuvenating streams of auspiciousness and positivity. Mahashivaratri is the marriage night of Siva and Parvati. From a spiritual perspective, Siva represents the auspicious expansive consciousness, and Parvati, his counterpart, represents the cosmic energy in all its vibrancy. Mahasivaratri is the night when we honour and celebrate this union, which is responsible for the entire creation and invoke them within ourselves to experience the unified field we are a part of. Join in this festival of unity and experience the union that yoga philosophy speaks of.

AKSHAY TRITIYA (24th – 26th April, 2020)

Aim Hreem Kleem Om
Akshay Tritiya is a powerful yearly yajna initiated by Sri Swamiji at Rikhiapeeth. Akshay means that which is constant, uninterrupted, eternal and does not decay. It is considered that the thoughts and feelings one carries, and the sankalpas made on this day, leave a permanent imprint on the consciousness, and accompany one till the end of time.This aradhana conducted by the accomplished Yoginis of Lalita Mahila Samajam from Tamil Nadu, South India, is an invocation and worship of the cosmic mother. The sacred Sri Vidya puja is conducted to invoke blessings of peace, plenty and prosperity, to bring health and happiness, wisdom and positivity, to one and all, on this very special day of Akshay Tritiya.

GURU PURNIMA (4th – 5th July, 2020)

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo Maheshwaraha
Also known as Vyas Purnima, this auspicious full moon is considered to be a day when the blessings of all gurus, traditions and masters shower down on us. At Rikhiapeeth, the Guru Purnima Aradhana will be celebrated at the tapobhumi of Gurudev Paramahansa Swami Satyananda, with simplicity, beauty, purity and an open heart. It is a splendid opportunity for devotees to offer their faith and love to Sadguru and bask in the purity of guru tattwa.

SRI RADHA KRISHNA JHOOLAN (30th July – 3rd August, 2020)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

A festival of kirtan, dance and joy in the true sense of the word. The kanyas and batuks of Rikhiapeeth wait the whole year round for the return of Jhulan, their favourite aradhana. Singing and dancing are different ways of freely expressing oneself with the feelings of love, faith and bhakti.  Immersed in these feelings, the kanyas and batuks singing voices and dancing shoes take over these five days like a rocking wave sweeping all off their feet. Being an aradhana dedicated to Krishna and Radha, get ready to swing to the beat of Bhakti!

SAT CHANDI MAHAYAJNA (15th – 19th December, 2020)

Aim Hreem Kleem Om
This yajna dedicated to the Cosmic energy, Shakti, holds the greatest significance in terms of the history and tradition of Rikhiapeeth. Started by Paramahansa Satyananda in 1995, the Satchandi Mahayajna became a means of reaching out to countless numbers of families from the surrounding villages to spread blessings of peace, plenty and prosperity in each home and family. It has served as a catalyst for the upliftment and development of the villages as well as the seva movement – whose teachings have been immortalized at Rikhiapeeth as “Serve, Love & Give”. A most befitting finale to this grand event is the kanya bhoj, during which a sumptuous meal is fed to hundreds of kanyas. This yajna which showers countless boons on devotees is a must attend in which through satsang, mantra invocation by the adept pandits from Kashi, kirtan, dance and the act of giving, each one is guaranteed an inspiring, uplifting experience.

Ananda Utsav – Festival of Bliss (21st – 23rd December, 2020)

Om Namo Vinayaka
This invocation of Lord Ganesha acts as a conjunction or sandih of the two maha yajnas dedicated to Siva and Shakti. Held in between Satchandi and Yoga Purnima this utsav or festival clears the air of all obstacles and ensures a smooth sailing through the auspicious blessing of Lord Ganesha. Through mantra, invocation, abhishek and other beautiful ceremonies, aspirants can connect with the positivity and inspiration that Ganesha embodies.

Yoga Purnima (26th – 30th December, 2020)

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiyamamritat
This annual yajna started by Paramahmsa Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth in 2008 is dedicated to Adi Yogi Lord Siva. Through the chanting of mantras and the sanctifying rudra abhisheks conducted by the learned pandits from Kashi, the consmic consciousness, the lord of yoga – Siva is invoked to bless one and all.
This sacred event also honours the birth of the great yogi Swami Satyananda Saraswati which took place at Almora, in the Himalayas on Purnima, the full moon night, of the month of Margashirsha in 1923. His life was one of total surrender and dedication to his Guru Swami Sivananda, who gave Sri Swamiji the mandate to reveal the true essence of yoga. On account of his unparalleled contribution to mankind in the field of yoga, the event is named Yoga Purnima, a tribute to Swami Satyananda, a yogi who continues to inspire millions to live the divine life. On the final day of Yoga Purnima his birthday is celebrated with great joy and splendor. Come and be a part of it.


Come join the sannyasins to chant mantras and benefit from the effects of nada yoga!

5th & 6th of every month Guru Bhakti Yoga
Amavasya Sundarkand Path
Ekadashi Bhagwad Gita Path
Purnima Lalita Sahasranamavali Havan
Saturday Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Yoga – for Expanding Awareness

Awareness is the key to progress and success in any endeavour. Every person has to develop and focus their awareness in a particular direction to transform the obstacles and impediments in life. Unfortunately this development of awareness is not happening naturally in society due to imbalances in modern lifestyle and this is creating internal conflicts and illnesses within individuals. To address this imbalance Swami Satyananda propagated integral Yoga.

Swami Satyananda prescribed the teaching of integral Yoga as a remedy for the complexities of modern life. People are multi-dimensional and so Sri Swamiji propagated an integral or multi-dimensional path of Yoga for optimal results and for progress, success and growth of awareness.

Swami Satyananda realised that one branch of Yoga alone cannot achieve results for people in the fast paced and diverse cultures of today. By integrating the various branches of Yoga he showed the way for humanity to navigate and cope with the pressures and demands of life in order to find happiness, peace and fulfilment.

The various Yoga trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted in the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth are all taught with the intention of offering resolution to the imbalances and problems of modern society.  The Yoga courses and trainings include a balance of Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Kundalini yoga which are fundamental to integral Yoga as well as exposing participants to various aspects of the other branches of Yoga including Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga.

The Yoga trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted at Rikhiapeeth provide training in practical and theoretical aspect of Yogic lifestyle to develop awareness and achieve progress and success in both material and spiritual life.

Although listed separately, by participating in any Yoga Training, Yoga Sadhana or retreat the true meaning of integral Yoga can be experienced. All Yoga Trainings, Yoga Sadhanas and retreats conducted at Rikhiapeeth include aspects of the various branches of yoga and enable participants to experience the balance, harmony and true potential of living integral yoga as established at the Tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda.


Rikhiapeeth conducts Yoga Sadhanas to support and guide those who have taken Mantra, Jignasu sannyasa or Karma sannyasa initiation in the Satyananda tradition as well as those who wish to do so.

These will be specific periods when initiates can come and fine tune their sadhana and deepen their connection with the Satyananda tradition and teachings. These Yoga sadhanas are open to sincere spiritual aspirants and those who wish to take initiation as they are ideal times to further the spiritual journey. During these retreats initiates and aspirants will have the opportunity to clarify doubts and clear and any obstacles in order to gain optimal results.

These retreats are a unique opportunity for initiates to spend a few days within the Tapobhumi of Paramahansa Satyananda to strengthen their resolve and commitment to their spiritual lives and to imbibe the spiritual vibrations that abound at Rikhiapeeth.


From the yogic viewpoint, the word retreat is a sign of going inward, not a sign of going backwards, but rather inward towards the source of inspiration, inner strength, self-confidence and light – the Self. The word sadhana indicates a process of spiritual practice that an aspirant undertakes, in order to bring out that light and wisdom from within. In this manner the concept of a Yoga Sadhana Retreat at Rikhiapeeth indicates learning to walk a yogic path, as paved by Sri Swami Satyananda, towards living an effulgent life connected to our inner source.

If you feel it is time for you to gain a new perspective or to have more meaningful experiences, participating in the 2020 Yoga Sadhana Retreats at the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda provides the ideal grounds for you to infuse yourself with renewed energy and inspiration. These retreats are intended for beginners and advanced aspirants alike. Whichever your point of evolution, these retreats will help you move forward and upward!

Mantra Initiates Yoga Sadhana Retreat (18th – 21st April, 2020)

Countless number of people take mantra initiation – yet how many people are able to derive maximum benefits from their mantra? Recognizing this to be a genuine need of aspirants today, this retreat has been devised and created as a means to provide clear guidelines to sincere aspirants, who wish to use mantra as a tool for spiritual evolution. Join this retreat to make mantra sadhana part of your daily routine for inner purification.

Bal Yoga Retreat (1st – 8th June, 2020)

The summer holidays present a unique opportunity for all children between ages 8 to 16 (accompanied by parents, family or guardians), to spend 8 magical days at Rikhiapeeth learning many things, developing creativity, imbibing positive samskaras, and having lots of fun. This retreat offers a full family package, as each member of the family is integrated in this event in which havan, kirtan, satsang, seva and yoga are blended into an uplifting, inspiring and joyful experience for all generations.

Sannyasa Lifestyle Retreat (One Year)

15th June 2020 to 15th June 2021

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, in his lifetime, devised many different ways to make spiritual life accessible to people from all walks of life irrespective of nationality, religion, gender, cast or creed. The vast ocean of teachings he gave to the world, as well as the multitude of spiritual traditions he revived, continue to attract and inspire countless numbers of aspirants from the world over.

One of these traditions is the sannyasa tradition, which is a most ancient one. A sannyasin does not live for himself alone but for others as well, who do not belong to him. The foundation or underlying spirit of sannyasa is surrender and service. Sannyasa shows us the way to be a master and not a slave of our overpowering mind.

In today’s context this is most relevant as it would allow us to use the magnificent force of our minds rather than be used by it. Alongwith this empowering expansion of mind, the idea of service is allowed to blossom alongside so that our thoughts, actions and words become more creative, productive and constructive.

Rikhiapeeth offers sincere aspirants the opportunity to invest one year at the tapobhumi of Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda, living the lifestyle of a sannyasin. It is an ideal stepping stone before beginning a new chapter of life. To allow yourself to be purified through selfless service, cultivate a positive outlook, and awaken your inner potential, come participate in this sannyasa lifestyle retreat and empower yourself.

Karma Sannyasa Yoga Sadhana Retreat

29th June – 3rd July, 2020

 For all those who have received intitation into Karma Sannyasa, Rikhiapeeth hosts a unique and original yoga sadhana retreat to guide karma sannyasins on the sadhanas, attitude, lifestyle and guidelines to be adopted. Being the first of its kind, this yoga sadhana combines traditional values with modern day needs, guiding the sadhak on how to fulfil the social and family obligations and responsibilities whilst maintaining a spiritual identity and outlook.

Karma Bhakti & Gyana Yoga Retreat

23rd to 29th September, 2020

1st – 6th December, 2020

 Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

The Vedas speak of three yogas essential for man. They are Karma, Bhakti and Gyana Yoga which together provide the tools for each of us to develop an integrated personality. These three yogas are related to our daily mundane existence as well as our spiritual aspirations, taking care of both aspects of our lives. Starting from the year 2020, Rikhiapeeth will host a new series of lifestyle retreats based on the wisdom of the Vedic traditions. These retreats will present aspirants with the unique opportunity of living yoga rather than just practising it. For transformation, knowledge alone is not enough, one has to experience as well.

Without experience all knowledge remains just intellectual. The Karma Bhakti and Gyana Yoga retreats are designed with this in mind, so that you may enhance  and improve the quality and thereby the experience of your life. Join in to renew your inspiration and energy and have a life changing experience. Even those who do not know yoga can join.

Yoga Sadhana – Chakra Shuddhi (English)

1st – 10th November, 2020

The Chakra Shuddhi is a week-long yoga sadhana that introduces yoga practitioners to the deeper dimensions within the pranamaya, manomaya and vijnanmaya koshas through the purification and experiences of the chakras. Despite being a short introductory course, its intensity and clarity provides the aspirant with a spiritual blueprint for the journey within. This retreat at the tapobhumi of Swami Satyananda is a must for all those wishing to take the leap from the external physical practices, and discover the depth of the subtler dimensions beyond the surface.

Yoga Sadhana – Prana Vidya (English)

16th – 22nd November, 2020

Knowledge of prana is knowledge of the universe. Everything moves because of prana – it is the source, means and destination. The breath, the heartbeat or the orbit of planets of the solar system and beyond are all because of prana. This yoga sadhana introduces participants to the very basic manifestations of prana within the physical body and how sadhana can help one develop the sensitivity required to feel and experience prana as a living flow of energy within oneself, which can then be directed to rejuvenate and improve one’s vitality. 

Jignasu Sannyasa Yoga Sadhana Retreat

26th – 30th November, 2020

Who is a Jignasu? A Jignasu is a seeker, one who wants to know. Jignasu Sannyasa initiates are those who have embarked on the path of knowing, learning and understanding spiritual life. This journey, however, can only become fruitful when given the right guidance, direction and structure. This yoga sadhana has been customized to address the spiritual needs of sincere seekers who strive to know themselves. Through Swadhaya, Satsang and Seva (SSS), this yoga sadhana offers an opportunity for aspirants to rekindle their inner flame of inspiration to boldly tread and progress on the spiritual path.

Kriya Yoga & Tattwa Shuddhi (English) 24th – 28th December, 2020

 Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham

Being one of the most effective systems for purifying and channelizing the flow of one’s inherent energy and potential, this Kriya Yoga retreat offers yoga aspirants an introduction into the techniques of Kriya Yoga as taught by Swami Satyananda. Sri Swamiji has said that Kriya Yoga is a panacea for the modern man as it is a system which bypasses the mind and deals directly with the energy flows. Thereby it is very effective in eliminating inherent tensions and nervousness thus inducing stability. The addition of the practice of Tattwa Shuddhi is an added bonus which makes this retreat a must attend for sincere practitioners.



KARMA SANNYASA SADHANA RETREAT 2022( 25th June to 25th August, 2022 )

SANNYASA LIFESTYLE RETREAT( 25th July 2022 to 25th July 2024 )

ASHRAM LIFE RETREAT 2022( 21st September to 21st December 2022 )