Satsang – From Rikhia the Tapobhomi

  Swami Satyananda was born at the foothills of the Himalayas in the year 1923. His ancestors belonged to the kshatriya lineage, the warrior class. As a young man he was initiated into the Dashnami […]

Life is a journey and journeys always have an unknown mysterious and exciting element about them. A journey is an exploration, a discovery about an unknown entity. The journey of life is also an exploration […]

Time is fleeting. Yesterday has gone and who knows whether we will see tomorrow? Nothing is permanent, everything changes – the seasons change, the weather changes, our moods change, the mind changes. You yourself can […]

Corona has come to us with a message. That message is enshrined in the word itself. In the Hindi language ‘Corona’ (Karo Na) means “Do something”. It seems as if Nature is beaming out a […]

Many of you have been writing for a sadhana for Akshay Tritiya. On this auspicious day you can join in the sadhana done at Rikhiapeeth today from 9 to 11 am by chanting at your […]